Smooth Trunkfish
Lactophrys triqueter
    Ecological Descriptors
Habitat Size (cm) Diet Behaviour Sex 
Co, R 47 Mol, Cru, Wor, Tun I (Sh) F/PGH?
Adult: Body with a triangular, bony box of armour,
dark in color but with white spots and an area of pale honeycomb markings on the central midbody. Dark around the mouth and at the base of the pectoral fin. Mouth small and protrusible, tail broom-like. Note the characteristic dark snout in this species.
Juvenile:  Dark body, covered with large
yellow to pale spots. As they mature, they develop a pale midbody area where the honeycomb markings appear later.

The Smooth Trunkfish may be called that because it is the only member of the Boxfish family that has no spines above his eyes or by the anal fin. Their mouth is rounder than the Spotted Trunkfish.
This species is found on coral/rocky reefs, either solitary or in small groups down to 50 m.  It is found in both single and mixed species foraging bouts. It feeds on a wide variety of small bottom invertebrates such as molluscs, crustaceans, worms, sessile tunicates and sponges exposed by a jet of water ejected through the mouth. Juvenile smooth trunkfish may be observed feeding on algae

If the smooth trunkfish is threatened it secretes the neurotoxic non-peptide called Pahutoxin (formerly ostracitoxin) as an anti-predatory measure.

Their body consists of a bony carapace which prevents flexion. Due to this rigid body, members of this family propel themselves primarily using dorsal and anal fins (plus pectoral) , a characteristic appearance termed as 'ostraciform' swimming. However, they can use the caudal fin fpr bursts of speed if necessary.

Life Cycle
Little known about the offspring of the smooth trunkfish. Its general shape appears much flatter and circular than the elongated adult. Pelagic eggs and larvae.
Smooth Trunkfish
Smooth Trunkfish Juvenile
Smooth Trunkfish
Smooth Trunkfish
Smooth Trunkfish
Rhinesomus triqueter